Friday, August 7, 2009

Fear is not a factor

We decided to end the day with a fire with neighbors.

So what do you get when you cross two 13 year old boys, marshmallows & grasshoppers? How about if those boys just watched an episode of "Survivorman"?

No, it's not a joke. I just wish I'd had my camera...

These two were amazed to learn on TV that you can actually eat a grasshopper... and not die or grow wings or something. Barf maybe.. but not die. Oh, and they have nutritional value.

So they decide that they should try it, just to see what they taste like.

Like little hunters in the night they each catch a grasshopper. They are trying to decide the best way to eat them, poor little grasshoppers with legs flailing about. They must've sensed the end was near. They wanted to roast them over the fire. I just couldn't bear the thought of letting the critters be burnt alive, (sweet, I know) so I vetoed that. (Truth be told, I'm not sure why I think burning the grasshoppers is not ok but chewing them is just fine. I just think cooking them would hurt too much.)

They had a plan.

Each boy takes his grasshopper, throws it on the ground to knock it out stuffs it inside a marshmallow which is then sandwiched between two graham crackers. And of course chocolate chips were added.

With a 'hopper s'mores in hand not willing to back down. Would they really do it?

My precious son, is the first to take a bite. Mmmm.... his face scrunches in disgust. Next bite two... crunch, splurt. And yes, he finished the whole thing while doing a dance similar to one you may have seen Elaine on Sienfeld do.

Quite a scene really. Especially with the neighbor girl who is 5 crying that they "Killed a sweet little grasshopper that was just doing nothing". Thankfully we were able to convince her that they found dead ones and stop the tears.

His buddy, took a little egging but not to be less of a man, he too ate a whole grasshopper s'more.

I still shiver thinking of how awful that was. My husband assures me that this is normal for boys, this is the kind of stuff they do.

I am so proud.


  1. OMG. Brave kids. Even grown up boys do that, including Jaguar.

  2. Ooooh my how yucky LOL. I can see the look on TJ's face... yummers

  3. Oh my what brave boys those that. Its like Fear factor over there! LOL
