Thursday, August 6, 2009

The sweet taste of rainbow

So, the kids came home from a visit with my parents yesterday. I decided a little treat was in order.

We gave them some Timbits and a bowl of rainbow icecream. What kid doesn`t like colorful rainbow icecream right?

All of a sudden from the table I hear Princess calling my name. "Mom, I don't like this icecream. It's yucky. It tastes like... like real rainbows."

I had to giggle. So today I asked her what real rainbows taste like. She gives a little eye roll and says, "Mom, a rainbow is just the reflection of the sun on water. So I guess it tastes like water."

Five is so fun.

You'd never guess that Princess had a meltdown tonight because she couldn't have a bowl of rainbow icecream... the same stuff she wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole yesterday.

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